Virtual Learning Programs

Mar 5, 2024

These self-paced programs, each developed by a licensed psychologist with decades of experience, let you acquire skills and work through material at your own pace, from the comfort of your home:

Hands-on practical help to manage your child’s anger. Gain the tools to teach your child how to recognize and manage the most common anger triggers (Frustrations, Interruptions, Requests/Refusals, Expectations, Disappointments, Unfairness, & Provocations).

Pay Attention to Attention – Online Format
Learn how to direct and sustain your child’s attention at home, in the classroom and in extra-curricular activities. Help you child shift focus, fend off distractions, and monitor task activity so they can be happier and more successful in all areas of life. 

Shutdowns and Meltdowns: Climbing the Ladder to Regulation Together
This is a workshop for parents whose children are prone to emotional outbursts. Dr. Ally Burr-Harris will review strategies for catching your child before the storm, calming a child who has passed that “critical window,” and preventing future meltdowns from occurring.

Click the class titles above or visit our LEARN site for more information.