This program will teach you how to identify and address the seven most common anger sparks that get children FIRED UP: Frustrations, Interruptions, Request Refusals, Expectations, Disappointments, Unfairness, and Provocations.
Classes & Groups

Pay Attention to Attention Weekend Workshop
This in-person weekend class is designed for elementary age children (1st – 5th grade) who struggle with self-control and/or effortful attention (AD/HD).
Skip the Struggle: Teaching Children Cooperation Skills
When children are uncooperative, it's not because they are stubborn or trying to be "oppositional." They simply lack the mindset and skills that are important for cooperative behavior—skills that can be taught. Skip the Struggle is a skill-focused class that teaches...
Exer-Psyche Mental Wellness Project
The Exer-Psyche Mental Wellness Project aims to teach grade school-aged children and their families 10 themes important for building healthy mental functioning and diminishing the risk and impact of mental illness. This project is an evolution of a group therapy program developed in 2011 employing Taekwondo training and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy principles in a therapeutic multi-family group experience focused on helping children struggling with mental illness.
The QUEST (Quest for Understanding Emotion regulation, Social skills, and Teamwork) Group brings adventurers together to practice the essential skills used in developing and maintaining meaningful connections. We lead the youth in playing Dungeons & Dragons which gives them opportunities to practice the core skills: regulation, collaboration, planning ahead, flexibility, perspective-taking, and imagination.
The Incredible Years – Virtual Parent Class
This class supports parents with children ages 3-8 years old with disruptive behavior including hyperactivity, defiance, impulsivity and tantrums. Learn to improve your child’s coping, self-regulation and social skills and decrease negative behaviors at home and/or at school through supportive parenting techniques.
SPACE: Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions – Virtual Parent Class
The Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) class is a parents-only, evidence-based treatment of childhood anxiety with an emphasis on promoting child confidence and coping with anxiety through making systematic and sustainable changes in parental actions and child-parent interaction patterns.
Worry Warriors
The aim of this class is to help children with anxiety feel empowered to manage anxious feelings, thoughts, and behaviors with skill, curiosity, and compassion. This class is appropriate for children ages 9-12 who are experiencing symptoms under the umbrella of anxiety, including generalized worries, separation anxiety, social anxiety, phobias, panic symptoms, rumination, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors.
TBRI® Caregiver Support Group Registration for 2024-2025
Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) is an evidence-based therapeutic model that trains parents and caregivers in attachment-based, trauma-informed interventions to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. TBRI® uses Connecting Principles for attachment needs, Empowering Principles to address physical needs, and Correcting Principles to disarm fear-based behaviors.
Contact our Office
Check In
Our offices are located on the 3rd and 4th floors. Please check in to the office for the floor your clinician is on.
If you are unsure of where to check in, visit the main office in Suite 300 on the 3rd floor.
Parking lots are available behind our building, including reserved parking on the upper level of the parking garage.
Clinic address
6443 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy
Suite 300
Portland, OR 97224
After-Hours Emergencies
Please call 911 or proceed to your nearest emergency room.
For situations that cannot wait until the office reopens, you can call 503-294-1309 to reach our answering service.