Pay Attention to Attention for Educators

Pay Attention to Attention for Educators

with Jeff Sosne, Ph.D. The proportion of children in classrooms with identified attention vulnerabilities (such as ADHD) has grown over the last ten years. As a result, there are an increasing number of children on formal education plans (504, IEP, ILP). This...
Pay Attention to Attention Weekend Workshop

Pay Attention to Attention Weekend Workshop

April 5 – 6, 2025 Pay Attention to Attention Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm each day (Breaks included)Cost: $500.00/ weekend (not insurance billable, but includes subscription to all Pay Attention to Attention online modules) This workshop is designed for...


The QUEST (Quest for Understanding Emotion regulation, Social skills, and Teamwork) Group brings adventurers together to practice the essential skills used in developing and maintaining meaningful connections. We lead the youth in playing Dungeons & Dragons which...
The Incredible Years – Virtual Parent Class

The Incredible Years – Virtual Parent Class

with Rose Eagle, Ph.D. (Licensed Psychologist)Time: Mondays, 5:00pm – 6:15 pm (virtual, via Zoom)Dates: February 10 – April 21, 2025 (NO class March 24 due to Spring Break) This research-based curriculum is designed to support parents with children ages...