Joham Rais

Practicum Student, MA

Joham is a Master’s level student working toward her doctorate (Psy.D.) at Pacific University. Joham enjoyed working with youth between the ages of 2 and 15 years old as a behavioral therapist at an ABA and autism clinic in San Diego for 2.5 years prior to starting graduate training. Joham’s experience conducting comprehensive assessments at the Pacific Psychology and Comprehensive Health Clinic, has informed her ongoing assessment work at the Children’s Program this year. Joham takes a whole-child approach to her assessment and conceptualization including factors such as culture, family systems, and individual life experiences. She places great importance on building strong rapport with her clients throughout assessment and therapy processes. She utilizes child assessment in cognitive, behavioral, achievement, and social-emotional domains to help develop evidence-based intervention strategies that are tailored to each individual client.

Supervisor: Hannah Bianco, Ph.D., Oregon Licensed Psychologist #2837

Practicum Student

Pacific University



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