Robin McCoy

Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrician, M.D.

Robin McCoy, M.D. received her medical degree from the University of Rochester School of Medicine. She completed a residency in primary care pediatrics at the University of Utah and then completed a fellowship in Developmental Pediatrics at Oregon Health & Science University. Her areas of specialty include autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, Tourette’s Disorder, developmental disorders, and learning and behavior problems. Robin enjoys medical evaluations as well as ongoing medical/medication management. Robin has worked in the child development field since 2000.

Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrician




Autism Spectrum Disorders


Tourette's Disorder

Developmental Disorders

Learning & Behavior Problems

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Community Projects

Exer-Psyche Mental Wellness Project

The Exer-Psyche Mental Wellness Project is an initiative of the Mind Matters Family Center.  The mission of the Family Center is to improve the mental wellness of our communities by engaging and educating families and individuals and partnering with community groups.


The Exer-Psyche Mental Wellness Project aims to teach grade school-aged children and their families 10 themes important for building healthy mental functioning and diminishing the risk and impact of mental illness. This project is an evolution of a group therapy program developed in 2011 employing Taekwondo training and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy principles in a therapeutic multi-family group experience focused on helping children struggling with mental illness.

 The Mental Wellness Project combines many of the ideas and experiences learned from this treatment group with knowledge of habits that contribute to healthy mental functioning, also known as mental wellness. In essence, our goal is to provide an experience suitable for all children in grade school to learn and practice 10 themes of mental wellness in an active, engaging, and fun experience with their parents and other children of varying ages. Taekwondo teaching and mindfulness practices are included in each session.


The full Exer-Psyche series consists of ten sessions, divided into two separate five session Blocks. Our next series begins with Block A on April 9-May 7, 2025, with 5 weekly sessions until November 20. We will then take time out for the holiday season. Block B will be on May 14-June 11, 2025, and conclude February 5. Sessions are on Wednesdays from 6: 30-7:30pm.

Block A and Block B present different themes of Mental Wellness. Each Block presents the basic skills of taekwondo. The 5-week Blocks are designed to offer greater flexibility for family schedules.


Sessions will be hosted at Mind Matters PC office community room. 10690 NE Cornell Road Suite 314 Hillsboro, Oregon 97124.


The Mind Matters Family Center is sponsoring this event so there is no cost (FREE) to the participants.  Logo T-Shirts will be provided to each participant (both child and adult).


This is for any child ages 6-11 years in elementary school. A parent or guardian must accompany each child as a training partner and be ready to actively participate in all components of the program. There are spots available for only 12 children each block, so availability is limited. An exception will be made for 5 or 12 year olds on a case by case basis

To register, call Mind Matters PC front desk at 503.352.0468 


David Conant-Norville MD, child psychiatrist, President and Clinical Director Mind Matters PC, President Mind Matters Family Center

Robin McCoy MD, MMFC board member and Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrician at The Children’s Program

Diana Haggard, 2nd Degree Black Belt and Taekwondo Instructor


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