Pay Attention to Attention/FIRED UP Weekend Workshops

May 6, 2024

August 24 -25, 2024

Pay Attention to Attention

Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm each day (Breaks included)
Cost: $500.00/ weekend (not insurance billable, but includes subscription to all Pay Attention to Attention online modules)
This workshop is designed for elementary age children (1st – 5th grade) who struggle with self-control and/or effortful attention (AD/HD).  We will focus on teaching children to exercise self-control in peer interactions, so that they can work productively and play appropriately. The in-person class setting will closely approximate classroom and social situations, so that your child can practice these skills in a representative environment. Parents will observe the class so they are better able to reinforce these skills through at-home practice.  


Time: 1:30pm – 4:30pm each day (Breaks included)
Cost: $500.00/ weekend (not insurance billable, but includes subscription to all FIRED UP online modules and a paper copy of the FIRED UP notebook)
This workshop will teach you how to identify and address the seven most common anger sparks that get children FIRED UP: Frustrations, Interruptions, Request Refusals, Expectations, Disappointments, Unfairness, and Provocations. FIRED UP takes a proactive approach that teaches parents children to recognize and handle their anger triggers.

Register for both and receive a 20% discount ($800.00 total)

These groups are led by Jeff Sosne, Ph.D., a child psychologist with more than forty years of experience. He specializes in helping children with attention and self-control problems.

Both workshops are held in person at the Children’s Program, 6443 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy